summer stories
ouver hew papa---
Saturday, November 13, 2010
megaphone summer
We were at the mall, having just bought some movie tickets-"Megamind" I think. I picked up a free copy of some magazine from the cinema. So suddenly you take that copy from me, and roll it up. "Hello, everybody!!!Listen and look !!-this is my Papa!!He is a good Papa!!!"
Monday, August 16, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
missing summer
Well Mama has taken you off again without any warning to me. Probably zoomed off to Tampin...
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
toy story 3
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
another week
Papa came to a third observation, that the forest reserves will be long gone in our time. Magnificent trees rising well over 100meters from the jungle floor, all gone from the Terengganu-Pahang border to the Kelantan-Perak border. All will be clear-fell, to make way for single species rubber plantations. On the books the plantations will however remain as "forest".
The rangers we had for guides asked us for jobs , they can see the end of the road for the jungles here.
There is a district, Jajahan Bertam in Kelantan which seems to be mostly populated by the orang asli.
Long stories to follow so Papa will stop here.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
no summer??
This is getting tiresome.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
how to eat spaghetti
three.. open your eyes when at the finish.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
No luck on Saturday, wind conditions do not permit the balloons to fly/float/whatever.
Papa brings you again on Sunday. This time you up the stakes.
S: "Jesus is better than Daddy..."
P: (how to compete?? better keep quiet)
S: reconsiders for 10 seconds...
S: "No....Daddy, you are better than Jesus..." (smiles)
P: (wow. really better keep quiet....)
That is probably the high-water mark for Papa.
bubbles in the sun.
My ring of power.
Papa loves you....
Sunday, March 14, 2010
class boo boo
P: What happened? You don't like it? We can cancel the classes then....
S: I want!!...But I'm scared...
Anyway, Papa has got some pictures of you looking a bit scared and lost in class.
Papa didn't take you to class yesterday, because Mama has gone nutso again...
Ho hummm....
Papa has been busy the last few weeks.
Papa misses you.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
FAB ballet classes
We had lunch with Mama and Justin on Friday, this must be the first time we sat down together in over two years. You were so happy you just kept smiling and laughing with me. That is until Mama told you to "stop being rude to Papa". Papa saw you freeze up and thought you wanted to cry. Guess plain horsing around is "rude" in Mama's eyes. So Papa finally understands why you say Mama doesn't play with you.
Papa ordered the carparchio salmon and then Mama wouldn't eat the sushi ("I don't eat raw food syndrome") , but no matter because in a blink of the eye, you had finished all the slices on the plate. We pottered around , just you and me.
So on Friday evening, we went to the movies for a kiddie show-Percy Something and the Lightning Thief... you were pretty stressed out and wanted to leave half-way, but then it turned out you were afraid of Mama scolding you if you came home late. So either the movie was really bad or you were too stressed out, because you fell asleep at the end.
Papa bought you a little fur jacket so you wouldn't complain of being cold in the cinema halls anymore. "Comfy!!"
Then on Saturday Papa took you to the ballet school , and dumped you into the class for a(nother) preview while Papa filled out the forms and etc. When Papa got into the studio to see you, you were sitting quietly, watching the other girls in their tutus. Reds eyes, you were hugging yourself. Papa asked you if you were unhappy. You shake your head.
"Are you happy?". Nod. Hmm , looks like you want to cry from happiness......
"Lets go, mergirl. You are joining this class ok? You start in March. Papa kept his promise to put you in a dancing class with no boys." [You said you would hide under the table if a boy disturbs you...]
You insisted you wanted an iced lemon tea. Upon drinking it you promptly fell asleep....
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Papa thinks!!
Surprise!! We bumped into the wife of one of Papa's friends just a we were going in. So we had lunch with her at some japanese restaurant. Papa just sat back and watched as you regaled her with stories of you seeing lions in the jungle at night. Ah then , you did mention it was only a dream in the end, so I guess that lets you off the hook. And the food was to your liking, although you made no pronouncement of “yummy” this time.
Then it was off to looking for clothes. Not too chinese-new-year-ish, so no reds , no pinks even. One colourful indian-blue dress, one japanese label off-white gown, one cute white Tee with the words “LOVE” emblazoned on the front, with a crucifix cut-off at the back and one spotted hippy-like long-sleeve dress that you called “comfy” the moment you stepped out of the changing-room.
Then we had tea, when Papa decided that perhaps you should be off to Mama before she made noise. Hmm, as soon as Papa told you that, you decided to see the toys at TOYS-R-US. And you wouldn't leave. Out from the toyshop, you wanted to see the pet-shop. And then you didn't really want to leave either.
P: “What's wrong girl?? We got to go now, why do you look so unhappy??
S: “I don't want Daddy to leave me...I don't want to sit in the house...”
Doink!! So all the times you kept asking Papa to take you places when it was time to go back to Mama, you were just trying to squeeze more time together .
Well Papa drives you back to BSC, and you fell asleep in the car and Papa has to carry you to the cafe, where you sleep on Papa while Papa tries not to move around too much on the sofa. Your eyes are closed until Mama came to fetch you, then Papa left you for a while with Mama as Papa had to pick up your bag from the car. When Papa came back, you looked so pale and sad and beaten down, there were tears about to well up in your eyes. (Sounds like a Drama Minggu Ini.)
Papa hugged you.
P: “Don't cry ok...Papa will see you next week ok??”
S: “...Papaaaa...”
P: “Papa will give you a big hug... you mustn't cry...” [Tears welling up]
Oh dear.
Less than one hour later, Papa gets a call.M: “You lost her hair-band! That lady-friend of yours took it off. Hairbands are very expensive, I want it back...”
Huh?? The hairband was on you even when you were sleeping on Papa. Papa knows because he couldn't run his fingers in your hair then. How did Mama know? Has Mama got sixth sense, or did she grill you??
American V: A hundred Highways
The gravel almost gone in his voice, Johnny Cash sings or rather drones out dirges. He doesn't seem to sing so much as to drag out the lyrics to the songs in a monologue. And the songs- Help Me, God's gonna cut you down, I'm free from the chain gang now,etc....Looks like here's a man waiting at his last stop in life, killing time by doing the only thing he can -by singing.
"Got on my dead man's suit and my smilin' skull ring
My lucky graveyard boots and a song to sing
I got a song to sing, it keeps me out of the cold
And I'll meet you further on up the road.
Further on up the road
Further on up the road
Where the way is dark and the night is cold
One sunny mornin' we'll rise I know
And I'll meet you further on up the road.
-Further on up the road.
Track for track, probably the most brutally honest and gentle album that I have heard, exceeding Lucinda Willian's pean in Car Wheels on a Gravel Road.
J. Cash, free from the chain-gang now.
(PS-Or maybe not really...JCash is still working for the record company, from beyond the grave. I kid you not- American VI : Ain't No Grave was released on what would have been his 78th birthday. There must be a sub-species of irony at work here. )
(PPS- but then the last song he ever wrote is 1 Corinthians 15:55 . That will probably close out American VI. Papa can't wait to get it. For non-Christians and more for ease of reference, that verse goes:
"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?")
Last words from beyond the grave. 'Nuff said.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
fish- patins
patin buah,
patin lawang,
patin buah kampuchea,
patin muncong,
patin hitam
patin jelawat
patin mekong
A horizontal tasting would be nice...
Papa is eying the patin mekong as well as the patin muncong.
Patin muncong is $$$ (at 10 times the price of river bred patin), Papa has not tasted one. Perhaps that would be the house brand for the infamous K Lipis restaurant??
new toy
Papa's guinea-pig (and giant toy) just below. This lego set needs manpower and money , so Papa's got to do some running around to find out how much dough is needed .It needs some green by the slopes and a pathway down to the water's edge. A stream runs 50meters away at the edge of the land, and that will provide fresh water.
You can't see the stream but its there.
forever at 4
Accordingly there seems to be a somewhat massive flaw to Papa's missives to you. Obviously you won't be a five year old when you get to read this (that is, if you get to read this at all). So, Papa will write stories for the girl that you are now , and then also write for the girl and woman that you will be one day. Papa will try anyways.
Mama done it again and again
Papa has so little time with you and yet Mama will steal and take away even that bit that Papa has- its a strange strange world.
You have not seen Papa's mother for three years now- the last time Papa brought you to see your grandma, Mama was hysterical and tried to run Papa down.
So, in the most peculiar way, poor Mama.
Papa loves you, my little girl.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
simpsonmarine revisited
art and craft
Papa in the meanwhile has been busy with various workstuff which is both mostly boring and frustrating. However, the idea of Lake Summer, being an insidious germ, refuses to die. Accordingly Papa is going ahead with stocking a little pond with game and eating fish as an experiment. To mix metaphors, it will be a guinea pig lake, with Tilapia (quite certain), Kelai, haruan (maybe) and other assorted species. It will be a private fishing pond - it will also be Papa's private lab-cum-toy and if it is viable then Papa will upscale to Lake Summer (ahem).