ouver hew papa---

Sunday, February 21, 2010

FAB ballet classes

Papa didn't get to see you for the new year, but Mama had a small change of heart so Papa saw you for two days running (yesterday and the day before). Pigs can fly...

We had lunch with Mama and Justin on Friday, this must be the first time we sat down together in over two years. You were so happy you just kept smiling and laughing with me. That is until Mama told you to "stop being rude to Papa". Papa saw you freeze up and thought you wanted to cry. Guess plain horsing around is "rude" in Mama's eyes. So Papa finally understands why you say Mama doesn't play with you.

Papa ordered the carparchio salmon and then Mama wouldn't eat the sushi ("I don't eat raw food syndrome") , but no matter because in a blink of the eye, you had finished all the slices on the plate. We pottered around , just you and me.

So on Friday evening, we went to the movies for a kiddie show-Percy Something and the Lightning Thief... you were pretty stressed out and wanted to leave half-way, but then it turned out you were afraid of Mama scolding you if you came home late. So either the movie was really bad or you were too stressed out, because you fell asleep at the end.

Papa bought you a little fur jacket so you wouldn't complain of being cold in the cinema halls anymore. "Comfy!!"

Then on Saturday Papa took you to the ballet school , and dumped you into the class for a(nother) preview while Papa filled out the forms and etc. When Papa got into the studio to see you, you were sitting quietly, watching the other girls in their tutus. Reds eyes, you were hugging yourself. Papa asked you if you were unhappy. You shake your head.

"Are you happy?". Nod. Hmm , looks like you want to cry from happiness......

"Lets go, mergirl. You are joining this class ok? You start in March. Papa kept his promise to put you in a dancing class with no boys." [You said you would hide under the table if a boy disturbs you...]

You insisted you wanted an iced lemon tea. Upon drinking it you promptly fell asleep....

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mio babbino pura siccome un angelo

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Father to a cheeky girl