ouver hew papa---

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Seems I won't get to see my daughter for a few days. My wife (wife in name) has taken her off to undisclosed location for an undisclosed number of days....anyway I digress.
Took my girl and met up with my friend yesterday. While I had a coffee, Summer had a sphagetti . Being a precocious food critic, she pronounced the pasta as good if a bit spicy and salty. She had her "topping" a few heaps of parmesan powder. Of course it was salty. a 1:2 ratio of cheese and pasta would be slightly on the salty side.
Then she has a few table spoons of my coffee. Bitter is not in her vocabulary for some reason. Reminds me of when I was a kid, which is reassuring and scary at the same time.

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mio babbino pura siccome un angelo

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Father to a cheeky girl