ouver hew papa---

Saturday, July 18, 2009

papa stories

Some stories for you. These are a little more adult, so when you are slightly older you will follow more easily.

Papa was outstation last week, trying to understand a little piece of the puzzle of Malaysian conservation law in theory and forestry practices in reality. Papa is trying (along other things) to block illegal logging and mining and to revive or defend the existing forests in a fragile ecosystem in Pahang. If Papa is successful, maybe you will be able to see a forest system which will be in better shape than in Papa's time. Papa will tell you more next time, when he finds the words to convey what Papa wants to do and achieve.

Anyway somehow or other, Papa ended up in a Chinese nite-club in Kuantan. (NOT Papa's choice. Somehow or other also, for some strange reason, Papa always gets dragged to these places).
(to be continued)

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mio babbino pura siccome un angelo

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